Efek ketik pada status bar

Status bar untuk blog/web sobat dengan efek ketik.
Kamu taruh skript ini setelah < body >



(c) 1997 Semian Software, Script by: Michiel steendam
Modify and use anyway you want, just mention this site.

<!-- Hide from old browsers

// All you have to do is put another text in the variable message.
// Don't forget to break all lines with a ^
// When you do not place a ^ at the end of all the message, the
// message will not repeat

message = "ini adalah contoh status bar dengan effect ketik^" +
"kamu bisa mengganti tulisan ini sesuka kamu^" +
"terima kasih atas kunjungan nya^" +
"semoga bermanfaat^" +
"thanks for visit my web www.arifinpage.tk^" +
scrollSpeed = 25
lineDelay = 1500

// Do not change the text below //

txt = ""

function scrollText(pos) {
if (message.charAt(pos) != '^') {
txt = txt + message.charAt(pos)
status = txt
pauze = scrollSpeed
else {
pauze = lineDelay
txt = ""
if (pos == message.length-1) pos = -1

// Unhide -->

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